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Training Program

For the 2024–2025 academic year, CPG将提供硕士水平的实习培训计划(2个职位) MSW students. 你会发现我们的项目提供了丰富的培训和临床机会, a supportive environment, 并灵活地定制经验,以满足您的个人培训需求. 我们的员工对您的培训充满热情,并致力于帮助指导您成为一名治疗师.

受训人员是太阳城娱乐咨询和个人成长中心不可或缺的一部分. 我们鼓励他们积极参与CPG各方面的运作,并在提供服务方面发挥重要作用. 我们的员工非常重视创造一个专业激励的环境, open to change, 并且足够灵活,以适应个人培训需求.

太阳城娱乐是一所私立文理大学,位于马萨诸塞州伍斯特. Our diverse population of 2,300 undergraduates and 1,000名研究生热情地致力于社区和社会正义问题. 太阳城娱乐城以西格蒙德·弗洛伊德1909年著名的“太阳城娱乐城讲座”的地点而闻名,这是他唯一一次在欧洲以外的讲座,将精神分析引入了美国.

Training Program Overview

Philosophy and Goals

CPG的培训项目采用了自我治疗师的培训模式. 这种模式下的培训要求受训者看到并理解他们自己的个人问题, and work with them in all aspects of their training process. 自我治疗师的工作是治疗师或主管愿意参与一个过程,这个过程需要对受训者自己生活中的问题进行内省工作, and its impact on the therapeutic process and relationship. Through the presence of humor, collegiality, and an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding, 我们的培训计划为这个过程提供了一个安全舒适的环境.

Master’s-Level Internship Training Program

硕士水平的实习是为硕士培训第二年的学生提供的 Social Work program. 实习生预计将在8月下旬至5月中旬期间完成700小时的实习. CPG requires interns to work at our site for 24 hours per week, 实习生每周将接受一小时心理健康顾问或心理学家的个人监督. In addition, interns will be involved in group supervision, didactic seminars, community education (including preparation for programming), and administrative time. 预计每个实习生每周将处理大约10个客户的直接客户案件. 鼓励来自认可的硕士课程的申请人申请.

Training Program Elements

Direct Client Contact

硕士级别的实习生将负责咨询和个人成长中心的“首次”客户的初次预约. 除了在学年期间进行入学预约, 实习生和学员将为客户提供个别咨询服务. Sessions generally adhere to a short-term model of mental health services; however, for a well-rounded training experience, 学员可能会在整个学年的课程中见到一些客户. 在培训计划开始时,有一段介绍期是为辅导员这个角色做准备的.

Individual Supervision

硕士级实习生每周将与他们的主要主管参加一次单独会议.  During these scheduled meetings, interns and trainees will review cases/clients, develop case formulations, and discuss treatment options and treatment progress. 根据实习生或培训生的学术课程要求, some may be required to audiotape parts of sessions (with client permission); these can be reviewed in supervision to improve self-awareness, client care, and attention to professional ethics. In addition to these weekly supervision times, 鼓励实习生和受训人员在需要或适当时与其他工作人员协商. Consulting with staff, and reading relevant articles/research, 将帮助学员学习将研究和理论与临床经验相结合.

Group Supervision

实习生和受训人员也参加每周的小组监督. During group supervision, 实习生和受训人员有机会交流更广泛的观点,接受更多样化的意见. Through a collaborative discussion about clients, 小组监督为实习生和受训者提供了一个安全和支持的提问环境, express common concerns, explore their thoughts and feelings about clients, and discuss positive and negative outcomes.

Didactic Seminar

实习生和受训者参加每周一次的教学研讨会,各种咨询人员和社区成员出席与大学生群体有关的临床主题. During the spring semester, 以增加他们对学院/大学咨询的实际理解, 实习生和受训者将各自向团队提出一个个人感兴趣的话题. 这些会议的目的不仅是提供具体的咨询信息,而且还提供额外的监督和支持.

Outreach Opportunities

The university environment offers ample opportunity to work with a variety of students; thus, 每个实习生或实习生每学期都要为大学社区提供一次外展服务. Much of CPG’s outreach consists of community education, 例如,在我们的学生支持网络系列(一个为期六周的课程,为学生领袖提供建立和培养帮助他人的技能)中的领导力,以及对教职员工的培训.  实习生和受训人员将与他们的主管讨论并计划如何在他们的培训经历中达到这一期望.

Application Process

Master’s-Level Internship Program

Second-year master’s-level students in Social Work programs who are interested in applying should submit a cover letter, curriculum vita, and two letters of reference. For the 2024-2025 training year, application materials are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis with the deadline of 2/28/24. 申请材料须寄交助理处长/训练处长 Leah Manzella.

Contact Information

Center for Counseling & Personal Growth

Office Location

114 Woodland Street
Worcester, MA 01610

9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed from 12 – 1 p.m.)
